Blockchain resources

This page contains links relating to business use of blockchain, ordered newest first. Any comments, suggestions or broken links - please let me know!

[26] The Boon and Bane of Blockchain: Getting the Governance Right [CMR, 2022] - Countless enterprise blockchains fail to live up to high expectations, often because the supporting governance structures are insufficiently established or have become stagnant. Based on interviews with 153 blockchain executives and an analysis of publicly documented use cases, this article offers a guide for blockchain scholars and practitioners.

[25] NFTs explained (Simplilearn, 2021) - 5 minute, easy to understand video explaining how Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) can secure ownership of digital assets by registering digital signatures of the asset on a blockchain.

[24] Blockdata website (Blockdata) - resources to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technologies.

[23] 81 of top 100 companies use blockchain (Forkast, 2021) - how many of the top 100 public companies in the world are using blockchain technology, the blockchain companies that they have invested in, and their public stance on cryptocurrency. 

[22] Enterprise blockchain adoption (LeadBlock, Nov 2021) - Learn how start-ups are driving adoption of blockchain by the world’s largest corporations and financial institutions

[21] Combining NFTs and blockchain (Arianee, Jul 2021) - press release of project that provides digital passports for collectible and valuable goods, enriched with blockchain-based provenance.See also this joint press release document.

[20] Blockchain Toolkit (WEF, 2020) Blockchain has the potential to revolutionise how companies compete and stakeholders collaborate in the world of supply chains. As the technology is nascent, the World Economic Forum has published this 244 page, multi-section toolkit to provide guidance for development and deployment of new blockchain solutions..

[19] Blockchain disruption in transport (TSC, Jun 18) -exploring how blockchain, a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), could disrupt the transport sector in the coming years.

[18] Performance benchmarking hyperledger fabric - paper by IBM Research, India describing methods used and results of performance assessment study.

[17] Hyperledger blockchain performance metrics -define the basic terms and key metrics that should be used to evaluate the performance of a blockchain and then communicate the results.

[16] Global Blockchain Survey (Deloitte, 2019) - explaining how blockchain is real and that it can serve as a pragmatic solution to business problems across industries and use cases.

[15] How blockchain is changing money and business (Don Tapscott) - demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society.

[14] Blockchain Explained (Matt Lucas, IBM) - an excellent TED (style) talk by someone who certainly knows his blockchain from his bitcoin! Highly recommended!

[13] Central bank digital currencies - fascinating page on how Central Bank Digital Currency could make electronic money, issued by the Bank of England, available to all households and businesses.

[12] Blockchain and it’s impact on actors in a supply chain - excellent MSc dissertation by Robbie Moulding (who I had the pleasure of supervising in 2019) with an impressive body of work and reference list on this fascinating topic []

[11] 2020: A New Era for Blockchain- excellent article by Chloe Pryce in Leeds University newspaper on status and future of blockchain []

[10] Forbes Blockchain 50 -Annual catalogue of large organisation embracing blockchain technologies for business improvement. Fascinating graphical ‘deep dive’ on this by Blockdata on Medium.

[9] Getting Started with Enterprise Blockchain-Developer centric guide to starting projects using Hyperledger Fabric, written by ex-colleagues in the IBM customer facing blockchain team.

[8] Botsman; Who can you trust? -Fascinating book from a renowned author on a subject that is central to many blockchain based solutions. Two chapters on blockchain and trust. A book packed with easy to read information on this central topic.

[7] Blockchain Essentials -Incremental digitally delivered course on Blockchain from IBM, including certification. If you like to watch videos (rather than read) this is a useful introduction to the subject.

[6] Crypotcurrency & Anti-Money Laundering -Interesting report on Cryptocurrency and Anti-Money Laundering, 2019 Q1. Catalogues the type of crimes associated with Cryptocurrency and the financial volumes associated with each.

[5] IBM Blogs (Cuomo)-IBM blogs on a number of blockchain associated topics from VP who leads the global blockchain team. Useful source of technology-oriented information on a wide range of blockchain topics.

[4] Hyperledger blockchain - technical training resource. For anyone wanting more technical details!

[3] TradeLens -blockchain-enabled digital shipping platform, jointly developed by A.P. Moller - Maersk & IBM.

[2] Blockchain Essentials Education- if you prefer video to reading, this is a structured, self paced online education curriculum for those wishing to understand blockchain in business terms.No better place to start to understand this fascinating new technology - and it’s FREE! []

[1] Business Blockchain - my book published late 2018 explaining business blockchain in non-technical terms. Feedback always welcome! [] | @JohnP261