Cyber Security

Cyber v1

Seldom a day goes by without a news story of an organisation being hacked.  Either important information is stolen, or their capability to do business is compromised. It’s enough to scare any organisation away from innovating with new technology. 

But this need not be the case.  With the right approach to critical information systems protection, and organisation can innovate with confidence.  This approach must be organisation specific, risk management based and strike a smart balance between technology and human centric threat mitigation methods.  The holistic approach to cyber security risk mitigation must be understood by, and fully owned by the main board.

We can help build this cyber threat risk mitigation plan.  We can help educate the board on the topic and the need for a balanced, informed and proactive approach.  We can assess how secure an organisation is against a range of likely threat types and help select the best combination of technology and human centric methods for threat containment. | @JohnP261