Design Thinking

[1] Design Thinking: a quick overview [Interactive Design Foundation, 2020] - concise and logical explanation of the methodology.

[2] Five stages of design thinking [Interactive Design Foundation, 2020] - concise web document outlining the key stages of the process in easy to understand and logical format.

[3] The design thinking process [Sprouts, Oct 2017] - 3 minute interactive cartoon style video explaining the processthrough easy to understand examples.

[4] What is Design Thinking? [IDEO, Dec 2018] - 2 minute overview of the process for creative problem solving.

[5] What is Design Thinking - an overview [AJ&Smart, 2020] - a 10 minute video covering the definition of the Design Thinking, an overview of the processes, and why they're so important to innovation!

[6] Running a successful brainstorm - everyone has a different idea of what a‘brainstorm’ means in practice. This resource gives helpful advice on how to run a‘real’ brainstorm.

[7] IDEO - organisation delivering excellent courses on design thinking with excellent introductory material on their ‘resources’ page.

[8] Why Design Thinking Works [HBR, Oct 18] - summarises a seven year study into fifty projects cross sector exploring a variety of human tendencies that get in the way of innovation and describing how design thinking’s tools and clear process steps help teams break free of them.

[9] IBM Design Thinking - I learnt my Design Thinking skills with IBM, and got great value and results from applying the technique to early blockchain projects, where the client’s requirement was often vague. Very useful additions to the standard method to represent the needs of large, complex organisations and their problems!

[10] Brainstorming in three steps [IDEO] - pragmatic, actionable guidance to get your team’s creative juices flowing!

[11] Framework for Innovation [Design Council, 2019] - view of convergent | divergent thinking from the design council offering it as a framework for innovation and introducing the 2005 ‘Double Diamond’ model.

[12] Beyond The Basics of Divergent and Convergent Thinking [Stormz, 2021] - presenting a concise history and broad applicability of this powerful method, and it’s evolution into design thinking.

[13] The Power of Divergent and Convergent Thinking [SmartStorming, 2010] - short overview of the process, with expected benefits! | @JohnP261