
[1] The art of automation - book from IBM providing leaders with an understanding of how AI-powered automation can hyper-accelerate digital transformation.

[2] Mayflower: pushing the power of autonomous navigation - the maritime research vessel Mayflower Autonomous Ship is a first-of its-kind autonomous ship — and IBM technology played a central role in bringing it to life.

[3] The evolution of process automation - IBM’s Institute of Business Value explain how intelligent automation can change how work gets done, but organisations need to balance operational efficiencies with evolutionary workforce changes. Written in 2017 and NOT one of IBV’s best . . .!

[4] Robotic process automation - (aka software robotics) using software robots to automate tasks performed by humans such as extracting data, filling in forms, moving files etc. 

[5] What is an autonomous car? - an autonomous car is a vehicle capable of sensing its environment and operating without human involvement. This interesting short tutorial web page describes the different levels of automation and the challenges and benefits associated with getting to the higher levels.

[6] How do self driving cars ‘see’? - 5 minute animated TED talk explaining the technologies involved in making the seemingly impossible possible!

[7] Integrating Robotic Process Automation into Business Process Management - academic paper exploring the benefits of combining the two powerful approaches.

[8] UiPath Website - one of the top vendors of RPA show how the technology can impact different organisation through extensive use of case studies.

[9] blue prism website - another top RPA vendor explaining what the technology can do in practice, illustrated with customer projects.

[10] One hundred year study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100) - Stanford University has invited leading thinkers from several institutions to begin a 100-year effort to study and anticipate how the effects of artificial intelligence will ripple through every aspect of how people work, live and play. This site documents the study including publishing it’s research findings.

[11] Machine & Deep Learning Compendium - a gateway, as a frequently visited resource for people of various proficiency levels, for industry data scientists, and academics. The compendium will save you countless hours googling and sifting through articles that may not give you any value.

[12] Robotic Process Automation Case Study (IJSER, Dec 18) - short academic paper applying RPA to healthcare provider case study showing tangible results.

[13] RPA Simplifies Insurance (Infosys, 2018) - implementation of RPA to remove manual workload to boost productivity.

[14] Robotic Process Automation in purchasing and supply (Journal Purchasing and Supply Management, 2020) - academic paper considers multiple case studies on the potential, barriers, and implementation of RPA

[15] Avon & Somerset Police: IBM Case Study - inspirational story about how Robotic Process Automation can free up police time by taking away the boring, repetitive manual tasks.

[16] Boston Dynamics - Atlas: showing state of the art robotics in action!  Behind the scenes video is fascinating!

[17] Humanoid Robots - looking towards human realism in robotics - reviewing the ‘state of the art’ and future trends.

[18] Seven Lessons Shaping Today’s Automation Leaders [BluePrism, 2022] - HFS Research in partnership with Blue Prism surveyed 200 senior executives across Global 2000 enterprises to understand how major enterprises are organizing their automation efforts, their approach to automation in the new climate, level of adoption, success and challenges, opportunities, and desired outcomes when it comes to scalability. | @JohnP261