Design Thinking

As the complexity of modern business and new technology increases, its important to put design principles - especially those that recognise the needs of the end user - at the front and center of the systems development process. 

Design Thinking is used by many organisations to do this. It offers a structured approach that thoroughly understands the business strategy and challenges from the user viewpoint before finding the best technical solution. 

IBM’s approach to Design Thinking is indicative of the approach, which is often combined with agile development for rapid, incremental system realisation so tangible business results can be experienced in weeks and months, rather than years! Design Thinking has proved to be an excellent way of starting a blockchain customer project, ensure that we focus on the end use experience and not get lost in the technical details.

We offer a complete range of Design Thinking services. We can advise on its suitability for an organisation wishing leverage new technology to transform. We can facilitate a multi-day Desing Thinking Workshop or train organisations in so they can embed the method in their culture. | @JohnP261