
[1] People and Organisational Culture the development and usage of the Organizational Culture Profile.

[2] 5 TED Talks to Inspire Great Company Culture – exploring different aspects of culture.

[3] Measuring Culture - 18-page eBook with contributions from several authors.

[4] 10 culture metrics you should be tracking - how company culture determines how things get done.

[5] Defining a digital culture - case study-centric paper.

[6] Digital transformation challenges - a systematic literature review.

[7] The role of culture in digital transformation - explores how organisations work through a digital transformation.

[8] The nine elements of digital transformation - how managers can use technology to redefine their businesses.

[9] Growth mindset behaviours - building a culture that delivers better business outcomes.

[10] How to drive cultural change - three integral steps businesses can take to drive company change.

[11] Understanding the agile mindset - contrasting this to bureaucratic mindset common in some organisation.

[12] EAST Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights - how behaviour can be changed.

[13] The power of believing you can improve - 10 minute TED Talk Prof. Carol Dweck.

[14] Summary of ‘Mindset’ (Carol Dweck) - one page summary of the core concepts from Prof. Dweck’s book ‘Mindset’.

[15] Life begins at the end of your comfort zone - 9-minute TED talk power of moving beyond your comfort zone.

[16] Leadership in digital transformation (infographic)why leadership in digital transformation processes is so important.

[17] Leadership in the digital era - includes Prof. Dweck’s mindset framework at the centre of making leaders more effective.

[18] Digital success requires a digital culture (McKinsey) - suggesting three pragmatic steps to overcome culture barriers to being digital.

[19] Trickle down effect of good (and bad) leadership  -HBR article about this powerful yet often under-rated effect.

[14] The Great Post Office Scandal (scte, 2022) - article summarising Nick Wallis’ excellent book - concise, yet in depth treatment of this shocking saga showing what can happen to a digital transformation if culture and leadership are ‘off’! | @JohnP261