Tech Usage

[1] Cloud computing

[1] Cloud Computing Overview - 16 minute video explaining the core concepts of cloud computing in clear and concise format.

[2] Cloud Computing: An Overview - a 6 page PDF covering cloud models, public vs private cloud, benefits and challenges. Easy read and well balanced too!

[3] What is cloud computing - informative extended web page by Microsoft, offering their Azure cloud on a free trial basis. Note that other cloud vendors offer similar information and offers - see [b3] & [b4] below. Very clear, concise and well presented.

[4] History of Cloud [DataVersity, 2017] - looking at how cloud computing has evolved since the 1960’s to date including the various delivery models and privacy / security.

[5] NIST; Definition of Cloud Computing [Sep 2011] - THE definitive definition of Cloud from US-NIST covering the five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

[6] IBM Cloud (free account creation, experimentation) IBM say that their Cloud is a robust suite of advanced data and AI tools, and deep industry expertise to help you on your journey to the cloud. Sign up for free, and start to experiment!

[7] AWS Application Integration - Amazon say that AWS is a suite of services that enable communication between decoupled components within microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. 

[8] Benefits of Cloud Computing [Apr 18] - short post listing the top ten business benefits from adopting cloud technology.

[9] Cloud Data Privacy [Deloitte] - offering business some pragmatic advice on this important (and often confusing) topic.

[10] NOAA Case Study [2018] - the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) makes more than 68,000 collected datasets available over AWS Cloud.

[11] Cloud Computing Tutorial [Oct 2020] - 73 minute video explaining the core aspects of cloud computing.

[12] Cloud Computing [Accenture] - comprehensive introduction to the topic in business terms.

[13] Understand Cloud Computing by Watching These 5 YouTube Videos [2019] - varied guide to Cloud in short videos.

[14] 8 ways Cloud is transforming business [Forbes] - business centric viewpoint on the benefits of Cloud.

[15] Microsoft view on Cloud and their future [CNBC, 2018] - Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella explains!

[16] LEGO moves to headless eCommerce to improve customer experience [2021] - interesting case study showing the power of using composable web services.

[2] Mobile computing

[1] DubaiNow App - the app for all your Dubai city services giving access over 85 city services including bill payments, fuel top ups, car registration renewals, flight tracking.“How to” guide from Gulf News. Short case study from dubaipulse

[2] Evolution of the Mobile Phone - from simple to smart, mobile phones have transformed dramatically to become information and communication hubs fundamental to modern life. This explains how they got to be this advanced.

[3] eCommerce 101 - the history of online shopping: what the past tells us about tomorrow’s retail challenges.

[4] Deloitte; Mobile Consumer Survey 2019 - describing four distinct themes that offer some insight into how the smartphone is increasingly becoming the key to how we connect with our friends and family, our home, our personal wellbeing and even our entertainment. Note that other resources are available from Deliotte for (selected) other countries.

[5] Smartphone User Statistics in 2022 - set of infographics analysing smartphone usage, providing a wealth of statistics.

[6] How Small Business Owners Use Their Mobile Devices - surveying the UK SME sector and analysing smartphone usage, presented in infographic format.

[3] Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

[1] Machine Learning - Tutorial - web page explaining the core concepts and examples of potential usage by industry.

[2] Machine Learning Basics - 8 min animated cartoon-style video covering the basics of machine learning types and applications with easy to understand examples.

[3] Seven Steps of Machine Learning- 10 min video walking through the core concepts of machine learning in easy to understand terms.

[4] Harvard; History of AI [2017] - a very readable walk through the various ‘ages’ of Artificial Intelligence starting from the first half of the 20th century.

[5] Boston Dynamics (Robotics) - innovative company (owned by SoftBank Japan) famous for pushing the robotics envelope. Videos are a ‘must watch’.

[6] IBM Watson and Jeopardy [2013] - the inside story of how the Jeopardy-winning supercomputer was born, and what it wants to do next.

[7] Dark Trace - application of artificial intelligence - specifically machine learning - to the cyber defence challenge.

[8] BBC News; AI ‘Outperforms’ Doctors - citing a study in Nature which suggests that machine learning can be better than humans at diagnosing breast cancer from mammogram images.

[9] MIT Introduction to Machine Learning - 51 min lecture explaining core concepts of machine learning.

[10] Entrepreneur Europe: Use Cases - series of short articles explaining how machine learning is being used in real life.

[11] Using AI to prevent blindness - Google Health’s work in ophthalmology to detect anomalies in retina scans.

[12] Machine learning without coding - AWS launch of SageMaker Canvas for business analysts.

[4] Business Blockchain

[1] Blockchain resource hub - documents categorised by industry - business services - application on this website.

[2] Palfreyman; Business Blockchain [Oct 2018] - THE place to go to learn about this emerging technology and how it can be used to improve the efficiency and trust of business networks. Guaranteed free of jargon and gobbledygook.

[3] Blockchain Explained (Matt Lucas, IBM) - an excellent 19 minute TED (style) talk by someone who certainly knows his blockchain from his bitcoin! Highly recommended!

[4] How blockchain is changing money and business [Tapscott, 2016] - 19 minute TED talk explaining the basics of blockchain and how it could become the second generation of the internet

[5] IBM Food Trust - overview of a blockchain-enabled ecosystem of producers, suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and others creating a smarter, safer, more sustainable food system for all.

[6] Maersk TradeLens - 3 minute video explaining how blockchain can revolutionise the global supply chain.

[7] Entrepreneur Europe: Blockchain - series of short articles on blockchain news and real life applications.

[8] Web 3.0 [NPR, 2021] - a decentralised version of our virtual world, where users can interact and collaborate intelligently without worrying about the central, data-specific repositories. More of a peer-to-peer internet with no single authority. Visionary or hype? You decide! See also web3 foundation. | @JohnP261