LUBS3070 - Strategy, digital transformation and culture

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[1] Strategy and transformation

[1] Why I don’t like the term ‘Digital Transformation' -  how a well formulated, comprehensively communicated organisational strategy is a vital underpinning of digital transformation. 

[2] A structured, agile approach to digital transformation - my recommended approach to the change process  []

[3] Tech is the easy part in digital transformation - considering the human side of digital transformation and the need for excellent teamwork to guide the process.

[4] Foundations of digital transformation - explaining the ‘prepare’ and ‘horizon scan’ steps to get the transformation off to the best possible start.

[5] Fundamentals of Beyond Default - 2.5 minute video with the authors explaining the term ‘default future’.  The page includes links to other short videos by the authors explaining different aspects of thier book.

[6] Beyond Default - contemporary approach to strategy and change by David Trafford & Peter Boggis based on the belief that the purpose of strategy is to change the trajectory of an organisation, from one taking it to its ‘default future’ to one that takes it to an improved future. The default future of your organisation is the place it will end up if no action is taken, other than that currently planned.

[7] How information gives you competetive advantage - written by Michael Porter & Victor Millar in 1985 provides the basis for modern strategic thinking and information driven change.

[8] ATOS Outlook 2020 / Tech Trends - ATOS’ keywords are digital transformation, innovation and value creation, both for our own company and for our clients.  Their technology radar (at the link) is a powerful way of visualising the impact of technology on organisations within different time horizons.

[9] Gartner’s Hype Cycle - a powerful way of visualising the evolution of new technology enabled business.  I have been a big fan of this methodology since the early 1990s and seen it work in practice for a range of new technology from wireless e-business through cloud computing to blockchain.

[10]  Horizon Scanning (GOV.UK)  describing how this powerful method should be used in practice through a ’Ten Commandments’ approach.

[2] Leadership, culture and change

[1] People and Organisational Culture the development and usage of the Organizational Culture Profile.

[2] 5 TED Talks to Inspire Great Company Culture – exploring different aspects of culture.

[3] Measuring Culture: 18-page eBook with contributions from several authors.

[4] 10 culture metrics you should be tracking how company culture determines how things get done.

[5] Defining a digital culture – case study-centric paper.

[6Digital transformation challenges a systematic literature review.

[7The role of culture in digital transformation explores how organizations work through a digital transformation.

[8The nine elements of digital transformation how managers can use technology to redefine their businesses.

[9Growth mindset behaviours ‘building a culture that delivers better business outcomes’.

[10.How to drive cultural change three integral steps businesses can take to drive company change.

[11Understanding the agile mindset contrasting this to bureaucratic mindset common in some organisation.

[12EAST Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights how behaviour can be changed.

[13The power of believing you can improve 10 minute TED Talk Prof. Carol Dweck.

[14Life begins at the end of your comfort zone  9-minute TED talk power of moving beyond your comfort zone.

[15Leadership in digital transformation (infographic) why leadership in digital transformation processes is so important.

[16] Leadership in the digital era includes Prof. Dweck’s mindset framework at the centre of making leaders more effective.

[17*] Digital success requires a digital culture (McKinsey) suggesting three pragmatic steps to overcome culture barriers to being digital.

[3] Making Change Real

[1] Design Thinking: a quick overview [Interactive Design Foundation, 2020]  - concise and logical explanation of the methodology.

[2] Five stages of design thinking [Interactive Design Foundation, 2020]  - concise web document outlining the key stages of the process in easy to understand and logical format.

[3] The design thinking process [Sprouts, Oct 2017] - 3 minute interactive cartoon style video explaining the process through easy to understand examples.

[4] What is Design Thinking? [IDEO, Dec 2018] - 2 minute overview of the process for creative problem solving.

[5] What is Design Thinking - an overview [AJ&Smart, 2020] - a 10 minute video covering the definition of the Design Thinking, an overview of the processes, and why they're so important to innovation!

[6] What is Agile? [digite] - long(ish) web page giving an easy to understand run though the key points of the methodology

[7] Introduction to Agile [black pepper SW, 2014] - 6 min cartoon style video introducing agile and contrasting it with traditional development methods.

[8] Brief explanation of agile [this is agile, 2016] -  8 min video what agile is all about and how does the agile iterative adaptive approach compare with the plan driven waterfall approach? 

[9] Running a successful brainstorm - everyone has a different idea of what a ‘brainstorm’ means in practice.  This resource gives helpful advice on how to run a ‘real’ brainstorm.

[10] IDEO - organisation delivering excellent courses on design thinking with excellent introductory material on their ‘resources’ page. 

[11] Why Design Thinking Works (HBR, Oct 18) - summarises a seven year study into fifty projects cross sector exploring a variety of human tendencies that get in the way of innovation and describing how design thinking’s tools and clear process steps help teams break free of them. 

[12] IBM Design Thinking - I learnt my Design Thinking skills with IBM, and got great value and results from applying the technique to early blockchain projects, where the client’s requirement was often vague.  Very useful additions to the standard method to represent the needs of large, complex organisations and their problems!

[13] Agile 101 - the Agile Alliance have some excellent material aimed at advancing the practice of agile.  My link is to the introductory material, but the site has so much to offer to anyone wanting to understand this powerful concept.

[14] Agile Posters - don’t be put off by the funky (?) name - if you are visually led, Dandy People have a wealth of useful material to help understand how Agile can change your organisation to the better.

[15] Large scale agile transformation at Ericsson (Jan 2018) case study of this large organisation introducing agile in a new R&D product development program developing a XaaS platform and a related set of services, while simultaneously scaling it up aggressively.

[16] How fragile is your agile (Deloitte) short paper citing six common pitfalls of agile project teams. | @JohnP261